Minutes of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Board of Trustees Meeting held April 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. @931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, Nevada 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Jeff James
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Brad Newlon, David James and Jeff James. Bob McDowell was not present.
Also Present: Beth Cook, Bob Spellberg, Mike Rowe and Michael Bennett.
Public Comment: None
Approval of the agenda:
Jeff James motioned to approve the agenda. David James seconded the motion. All ayes. Agenda approved.
Approval of the Minutes.
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2017 Board meeting. David James seconded the motion. Jeff James abstained because he did not attend the meeting. 3 ayes. Minutes approved.
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the closed meeting minutes of the March 1, 2017 Board Meeting. David James seconded the motion. Jeff James abstained. 3 ayes. Minutes approved.
Public Comment: None
District Engineer: Michael Bennett of Lumos and Associates reviewed the Project Tracking Schedule for April 2017.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe stated that he had a conference call with Judge Gamble. The Judge will be the mediator for the MGSD matter. Judge Gamble would like to have 2 of the trustees at the mediation that have the authority to reach a settlement if one is reached. The mediation will be held June 6, 2017.
District Manager: The design review for the surveillance project for the small tank has been approved by the County. The District has received a couple loads of fish in the pond. There is talk of building a 354 home subdivision on 80 acres at the end of Tillman. Bob will be working on the quarterly newsletter this month. Bob will be attending a Legislative breakfast on Friday morning. A bill has been set up to review GID’s to see how useful they are via a sunset committee. There is a second bill that has to do with the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District and changing it to a sewer authority. This will make it harder for the County to take over.
- Possible action by the Board to advise the Douglas County District Attorney’s office of the Board’s view on location marijuana dispensaries within Douglas County.
Brad motioned to deny approval of locating marijuana dispensaries within Douglas County. David James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion approved.
Public Comment: None
- Possible action to act on a request by Trustee Dr. David James to add security measures to the District’s monthly Board of Trustees meetings.
Trustee David James is requesting the Board consider adding security to the monthly Board of Trustees meeting in the form of metal detectors or armed security.
David James motioned to request staff to look into the cost of having armed security or a security machine present at the monthly Board Meeting. Jeff James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Possible action to approve the concept of an interlocal agreement with Douglas County to reconstruct a portion of Tillman Lane.
Bob explained that he was approached by Douglas County to enter an interlocal agreement to reconstruct a portion of Tillman Lane. The District will be reimbursed by the Regional Transportation Commission of Douglas County. If the Board approves the concept of the District rebuilding Tillman including drainage, the District will work with Counsel on an interlocal agreement with the Regional Transportation Commission of Douglas County and bring it back to the Board for approval possibly in May.
David James motioned to grant the District Manager authorization to negotiate an agreement to rebuild Tillman Lane. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Possible action to approve or give direction on the District’s tentative budget for fiscal year 2017-2018.
Bob reviewed the tentative budget for fiscal year 2017-2018.
No motion was made.
Public Comment: None
Jeff James motioned to approve the consent calendar. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Brad Newlon commented that it seems that the community is pulling out of the recession with this discussion of the new housing tract on Tillman. He thanked District staff for working diligently through the tough times.
David James motioned to adjourn the meeting. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Beth Cook, Acting Secretary