Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees Meeting held
August 5, 2020, at 5 p.m. @ 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, Nevada
Zoom Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Bob McDowell
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, John Sheridan, Bob McDowell, Dave James and Brad Newlon
Also Present: Mike Rowe, Greg Reed, Dawn Hinds and Michael Bennett
Public Comment: none
Agenda Approval:
John Sheridan motioned to approve the Agenda. Bob McDowell seconded the motion.
All Ayes. Motion passed.
Old Business: none
New Business:
I For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to
execute a contract for the replacement of the District’s financial and utility billing software systems with Caselle. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible
action to authorize the District Manager to execute a contract for the replacement of the District’s financial and utility billing software systems with Caselle. Action Item.
Greg reviewed the contract agreements with Caselle, Inc. with the Board. Greg recommended going with the hosted option at a cost of $86,453.20.
Bob McDowell motioned to authorize the District Manager to execute a
contract for the replacement of the District’s financial and utility billing
software systems with Caselle, Inc., cost not to exceed. $90,000.00. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Jim McKalip asked if there would be additional labor costs during the transition. Greg Reed did not foresee any additional labor costs.
II For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to modify the District’s
Insurance benefits for future District employees. Board discussion followed by public
comment. Possible action to modify the district’s insurance benefits for future District
Currently the District pays 100 percent for the employee, spouses, and family. Insurance costs continue to rise every year and it has often come up in previous discussions that the Employee benefits should be reviewed. Any changes to the current policy would only effect new hires not current employees.
Suggested options are as follows:
Hired after July 1, 2020:
District will pay 100% Insurance premiums for employees for medical, dental and vision.
District will pay 75% of insurance premiums for employees’ spouses and dependents at
Time of hire. Employees will pay remaining 25%. Any change in premiums over time
Will be split 50% / 50% by the District and employee.
District will pay 100% insurance premiums for employees medical, dental and vision.
District will pay 50% insurance premiums for employees’ spouses and dependents at
Time of hire. Employees will pay remaining 50%.
District will pay 80% of insurance premiums for employees’ spouses and dependents at
Time of hire. Employees will pay remaining 20%.
Public Comment:
Ron Bush, 646 Joette asked if the District offered a retirement benefit to employees.
This was a discussion item only; no action was taken.
III For possible Action: Board discussion regarding Community Plan Goals, Policies and
Actions. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board Action to
authorize the District manager to schedule two public workshops for the
Community Plan Goals, Policies and Actions. Action Item.
Greg explained that the District had made plans in March, before the shutdown, for two work shops to discuss the Community Plan Goals, Policies and Actions. District staff recommends that we conduct two public hearings and allow the public to attend with the appropriate social distancing and masks. The public will call ahead and reserve a time to have their voice heard.
Bob McDowell motioned to authorize the District Manager to schedule two
Public workshops for the Community Plan Goals, Policies and Actions to be
conducted in accordance with Douglas County Covid 19 guidelines. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public comment:
Jim McKalip stated you could do a zoom and call-in public meeting as an option.
Ron Bush stated most folks will not have access to this document to view other than the website. He asked for the options be available to leave comments on the website and by email if necessary.
IV For possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District
Manager to move forward with Phase 1 of the Schedule 40 Replacement Program.
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to authorize the
District Manager to move forward with Phase1 of the Schedule 40 replacement Program
Action Item.
Greg brought up the question; should the District consider accelerating the first phase of the Schedule 40 replacement project to take advantage of the low interest rates or wait until the District’s two SRF loans are paid? Current interest rates are 1.5% to 2.25%. Michael Bennett reviewed a memorandum, created by Lumos and Associates and District Staff, to indicate the potential financial advantages in moving forward with Phase 1 of the schedule 40 replacement project. If the District does decide to move forward with Phase 1, further phases will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Dave James motioned to authorize the District Manager to move forward
with Phase 1 of the Schedule 40 replacement Project. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
V For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District
Manager to execute a contract with Lumos and Associates to conduct a feasibility
study for the interconnection with the Gardnerville Water Company. Board discussion
followed by public comment. Possible action to authorize the district Manager to
execute a contract with Lumos & associates to conduct a feasibility study for the
interconnection with the Gardnerville Water Company. Action Item.
The District has previously discussed the possibility of interconnection with the Gardnerville Water Company. The District needs to decide which interconnection site is appropriate. There are two possible interconnection sites: one at the intersection of Waterloo Lane and Centerville and one at the intersection of Riverview Drive and Highway 395. The 395 connection is 850 feet and includes a significant river crossing. The Centerville connection is 8,500 feet and includes an easier river crossing. Mike Bennett reviewed his proposal with the Board. Once the District can determine which connection is more feasible, the District can present a request for grant funding to the Carson Water Sub conservancy District.
Bob McDowell motioned to authorize the District Manager to execute a contract with Lumos and Associated to conduct a feasibility study for the
interconnection with the Gardnerville Water Company. John Sheridan
seconded the motion. Four ayes. One Nay. Motion passed. Brad Newlon
stood opposed.
Public Comment: Ron Bush mentioned there are already some connections hanging from the Riverview bridge and the County has a scheduled 4 lane expansion for that bridge in the future.
Greg reiterated that this is an Emergency interconnection and anytime you have an opportunity to connect into another utility it would be advantageous to do so.
VI For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to suspend accrual of
late fees and/or shut offs for nan-payment of water and sewer bills for a period of
time not to exceed 180 days. Board discussion followed by public comment.
Possible action to suspend accrual of late fees and/or shut offs for non-payment of
water and sewer bills for a period not to exceed 180 days.
Greg Reed explained that there is currently one resident struggling with the ability to pay bills because of the Covid 19 shutdown at this time and the District is working with that customer. The Board agreed to suspend late fees for Covid 19 affected customers until the end of the year or until the state – imposed lockdown is released whichever comes first.
Bob McDowell motioned to suspend accrual of late fees and shutoffs for
non-payment of water and sewer bills until the end of 2020 or the release
of the state-imposed lockdown, whichever comes first. Leann Teter seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Consent Calendar:
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the minutes from the July 1, 2020 board
meeting. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Leann Teter motioned to approve the check summary. Bob McDowell
seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Staff Reports.
District Engineer: Michael Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule for the month of
August 2020.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe reported that Greg received a request from VT Accounting and Associates relating to any pending or possible claims against the District and there are none. Mike Rowe has written a letter to VT Accounting stating such.
District Manager: Greg is tracking the consolidated tax distribution. The District is close to where we were a year ago, down just slightly.
Trustee Reports:
John Sheridan asked what plan Greg has for opening the office now that there are no more phases. Greg stated that the District will be following what the County dictates.
Leann Teter mentioned part of the County offices are open and customers wear masks, however some County offices are by appointment only.
Public Comment:
Jim McKalip complimented Greg and Staff for the packets, there is great information in it.
Ron Bush appreciates the packets also and having them delivered to the door-step.
Bob McDowell motioned to adjourn. Leann Teter Seconded the motion.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary