Minutes of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Board of Trustees Meeting held August 7, 2019 @ 5:00 pm at 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville Nevada
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Bob McDowell
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, John Sheridan, Brad Newlon, Bob McDowell and Dave James
Also Present: Greg Reed, Dawn Hinds, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public
Public Comment: Don Morelli was back to updated the board on his project idea to repair sidewalks.
Approval of the Agenda:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the Agenda. Brad Newlon seconded the Motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Old Business: none
New Business:
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action authorizing John
Sheridan’s attendance at the National League of Cities and Municipalities
Conference in San Antonio from November 20th through November 23rd, 2019
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible board action to
authorize John Sheridan’s attendance at the National League of Cities and
Municipalities Conference in San Antonio from November 20th through November 23rd. Action Item.
John Sheridan explained he has chosen the hotel where the event is taking place and that will save money on a rental car. Estimated cost $2,661.00, not to exceed $3,000.00.
Dave James motioned to authorize John Sheridan’s attendance at the National
League of Cities and Municipalities Conference in San Antonio from November
20th through November 23rd not to exceed $3,000.00. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to purchase Waterworth software at a cost not to exceed $3,500.00. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible board action to authorize the District Manager to purchase Waterworth software at a cost not to exceed $3,500.00. Action Item.
Greg explained this software will allow the District to determine the long-term rates needed and the proper reserves to maintain. Waterworth is an affordable and easy to use web-based software tool that will do rate analysis in-house, combined with professional support. Kingsbury GID is currently using the product and they have recommended it. Waterworth is funded through an annual subscription at a value of $3,495.00.
John Sheridan motioned to authorize the District Manager to purchase
Waterworth software at a cost not to exceed $3,500.00. Leann Teter seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment. None
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to consider compensation for Carroll Strickland at 1567 Putter Court in conjunction with the Well #4 replacement project. Board discussion followed by public comment. possible board action to consider compensation for Carroll Strickland at 1567 Putter Court in conjunction with the Well #4 replacement project. Action Item.
Greg explained that during the preconstruction meeting and at numerous times after that, the contractor was advised that 1567 Putter Court was off limits and that property was not to be used to access the construction site. On several occasions the contractor and sub-contractors infringed upon Mr. Strickland’s property. There was one occasion the chain and posts restricting access to Mr. Strickland’s property were torn out of the ground by a subcontractor. Although it was fixed immediately by the subcontractor, Mr. Strickland is asking the District for compensation for the inconvenience. Mr. Strickland would like the District to apply the ground up asphalt base on his property like is being done for his neighbor in addition to no water bill for 12 months.
Greg stated that it would be easy for the District to apply the grindings to Mr. Strickland’s property at the time they are applying grindings to his neighbor Mr. Alfonso. However, Greg does not believe there is a link between the construction project and payment of a water bill.
After board discussion, Dr. James suggested they let the District Manager meet with the homeowner and negotiate a reasonable solution.
Brad Newlon motioned to continue this item to a later meeting. Leann Teter
seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to attend and present at the Nevada Water Resource Association’s Annual conference in Las Vegas in February 2020. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible board action to authorize the District Manager to attend and present at the Nevada Water Resource Association’s Annual Conference in Las Vegas in February 2020. Action Item.
Ed James, the General Manager of the Carson Water Sub Conservancy District has asked Greg if he would attend and present at the Annual Nevada Water Resource Association’s conference in Las Vegas this coming February.
Bob McDowell motioned to continue this item until a later date when financial
Information is available. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new 2019 Dodge pickup truck to replace the existing 2006 Chevy pickup truck at a cost not to exceed $26,000.00. Board discussion followed by public comment. Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new 2019 Dodge pickup truck to replace the existing 2006 Chevy pickup truck at a cost not to exceed $26,000.00.
Action Item.
The vehicle up for replacement is a 2006 pickup truck with 117,885 miles. The vehicle suggested for purchase is a four-wheel drive pickup and will be used by the Operations Supervisor. This vehicle and the utility vehicle on the next item were approved in the Budget. Greg believes both vehicles are past their useful life for the District.
Dave James motioned to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new
truck not to exceed $26,000.00. John Sheridan seconded the motion. Three ayes. Two nays. Leann Teter and Brad Newlon stood opposed. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
- For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new 2017 Dodge utility truck to replace the existing 2004 Chevy utility truck at a cost not to exceed $37,000.00. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible board action to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new 2017 Dodge utility truck to replace the existing 2004 Chevy utility truck at a cost not to exceed $37,000.00
The vehicle up for replacement is a 2004 Chevrolet utility truck with 67,714 miles. Although this vehicle does not have a lot of miles it has a total of 8,461 hours on its hour meter. This vehicle needs tires, new seats and the check engine light is on. Greg believes this vehicle is past its usefulness. The replacement vehicle chosen is a holdover new 2017 Utility Truck and is available immediately. This vehicle was approved in the budget.
Bob McDowell motioned to authorize the District Manager to purchase a new
utility truck at a cost not to exceed $37,000.00. Dave James seconded the motion. Two ayes. Three nays. John Sheridan, Leann Teter and Brad Newlon stood opposed. Motion failed.
Public Comment: none
Consent Calendar:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the minutes from the May 29, 2019 board meeting. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
John Sheridan motioned to approve the minutes from the July 3, 2019 board meeting. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Check Summary:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the check summary. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Michael Bennett reviewed the Project Tracking schedule for the month of August.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe has reviewed the deed restriction information for the Robert Spellberg Recreational Complex. A State requirement for the grant for the restrooms is the District have a deed restriction stating the park will always be for public purposes.
District Manager: Greg Reed informed the Board a company called Suez Advanced solutions would like to hold a workshop with the Board to discuss the possibility of an alternative methodology for maintaining the water tanks. Dates available are October 25th, November 29th and December 27th. All of these dates happen to fall on a holiday weekend and no one was available. Greg will ask if other dates are available.
Trustee Reports:
John Sheridan mentioned he would like to see pump test well data.
Dave James reminded the Board that the trucks on this Agenda were already approved in the budget. He also commented that the Board may want to have a security guard attend the meeting when Rancho Sierra is on the Agenda.
Bob McDowell commented that the new restrooms are of good quality and the staff is keeping them clean.
Brad Newlon commented that the roadways are looking good.
Public Comment: Ron Bush asked about the Chapel Crest Subdivision and was wondering why they were not on the Agenda and if they needed to be approved by the GRGID. Greg Reed replied that they have been notified to come back before the Board, however he does not know any of their circumstances.
John Sheridan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Dave James seconded the Motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary