Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Special Meeting held August 8, 2017 @ 1:00 pm
at 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: led by Jeff James
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Jeff James, Brad Newlon and Bob McDowell. David James was working.
Also Present: Bob Spellberg and Dawn Hinds
Public Comment: none
Approval of the Agenda:
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the Agenda for the Special Meeting. Jeff
James seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Old Business:
For possible action: Board discussion on an interlocal agreement with Douglas County.
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve an interlocal agreement with Douglas County where GRGID will be the lead agency for the repair of
Tillman Lane from Kimmerling Road to Patricia Road. The County will reimburse the District up
to $127,000.00 for engineering costs for the first three tasks as outlined within exhibit one of
the agreement.
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the the interlocal agreement with Douglas
County for the repair of Tillman lane from Kimmerling Road to Patricia Road. Brad
Newlon seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Consent Calendar: none
Trustee Reports: none
Jeff James motioned to adjourn the meeting. Bob McDowell seconded the motion.
Four ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 1:17 pm.
Dawn Hinds, Acting Secretary