Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held on
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 6:00 pm
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Jeff James.
Trustees Present: Jeff James, Brad Newlon and David Bourne. Shari James and Cade Baligad were absent.
Also Present: Dawn Hinds, Bob Spellberg, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public.
Public Comment: Clarence Burr of 1125 Hwy 88, Gardnerville, Nevada was present and voiced his concerns that the District’s well at Rocky Terrace is affecting his Ag well. This well was drilled in 1926. He asks that the District get this problem resolved before the irrigation season.
Approval of the Agenda:
David Bourne motioned to approve the Agenda. Jeff James seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Approval of the Minutes:
David Bourne stated that the E was left off his name in the motion on the last page.
David Bourne motioned to approve the revised minutes. Jeff James seconded the
Motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
District Engineer: Michael Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule for the Month of February, 2015.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe mentioned he has been working on the revisions to the Cedar Creek Annexation Agreement. A Board Member has asked Mike for an opinion on a possible conflict of Interest issue. Mike explained that when any employee or Board Member has a question regarding a Conflict of Interest they must first request the confidential opinion of counsel. If the employee/Board member is not satisfied with the Counsel opinion they may take it up with the Ethics Commission.
District Manager: Bob stated that the District lost about 150 feet fence and a garage door on the shop during the last wind storm. Jeff asked if the District will have to file an insurance claim. Bob replied “No”.
New Business:
I. For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action regarding a request to take over the
Operation of a Landscape Maintenance District which includes the security wall at Cedar Creek
Subdivision. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to take over
Operation of a Landscape Maintenance District, if one is created by Douglas County, at Cedar
Creek Subdivision which includes the security wall additionally accepting ownership of Lots A,
B and C on the amended final map. Action Item – RO Anderson making presentation for
Cedar Creek.
The owners of the lots at the Cedar Creek Subdivision have rejected the formation of a homeowners association in Cedar Creek. They have asked Douglas County to form a Landscape Maintenance District for Cedar Creek which the Gardnerville Ranchos GID would operate. In addition, the District would own lots A, B and C as well as the block security wall (see attached map).
Stephanie Hicks, planner for RO Anderson was present, representing Jesus Rey. She has prepared a handout with cost estimates for the maintenance of a Landscape Maintenance District the first prepared by RO Anderson and also two bids from local contractors (see attached).
David Bourne stated that the District does not currently have the personnel to maintain this extra area. He is afraid if the District takes over this area others will want the District to take over their maintenance as well.
Jeff James asked who originally was supposed to take care of the landscaping and the wall. Ms. Hicks replied that the Homeowner’s Association was to maintain all landscaping and the wall. She added that originally Douglas County was asked to take over maintenance of the Landscaping but the County refused.
Brad Newlon stated that staff is too small and would not be able to maintain the landscaping and the wall both physically and financially. Brad does not believe this is something the District should get involved in.
Bob mentioned that the Edna Ditch also runs under the wall and that would need to be maintained.
Stephanie Hicks has contacted a member of the Edna Ditch committee asking if they would be willing to maintain that section of the ditch. The member said he would have to talk to the rest of the Board about the issue before making a decision.
Public Comment:
Greg Emmers resident of 1322 Cedar Creek Circle stated that the homeowners are willing to pay the expenses they just want the District to administer it.
Bob replied that if the Subdivision had a HOA they would have control of their own destiny; they can set their own costs. Should the District take over with a Landscape Maintenance District the homeowners would have no say about the cost of maintenance or administrative fees and may end up being more costly in the end.
Clarence Burr stated that the developer of Cedar Creek promised that the Edna Ditch would be maintained by the homeowners association, no one has been maintaining this ditch recently.
David Bourne motioned to reject the offer of dedication of lots A, B and C of the
Cedar Creek Subdivision amended final map and reject the offer of accepting the
operation of a possible future landscape maintenance district which includes
ownership and maintenance of the block security wall. Jeff James seconded the
motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
II. For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action regarding a request to increase the
District’s property tax rate. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to
Raise the District’s property tax rate which will affect new construction. Action item – District
Bob explained staff is requesting the Board increase the District’s tax rate from $.3686 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation to $.5500 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. Under current law the increase will not affect any existing land or improvements. The District has not raised its property tax many years. The increase will affect future improvements only. Bob reviewed his Narrative of assessed valuation and tax rate Discussion (see attached narrative).
David Bourne motioned to increase the District’s ad valorem tax rate from $.3686 to
$.5500. Jeff James seconded the motion. Two ayes. Brad Newlon stood opposed.
Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Old Business: None
Consent Calendar:
For possible action: Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to
approve the Consent Calendar.
- Monthly Payables: For Possible action.
- Request for expenses to attend the Nevada Rural Water Annual Conference in Reno for staff.
David Bourne motioned to approve the consent calendar. Jeff James seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Reports: Board of Trustees
David Bourne mentioned that the power pole is still down in the golf course on Fairway and Riverview. Bob stated he would call NV Energy.
Brad Newlon went to the training on Open Meeting Laws and ethics with Mike Rowe. Brad recommended it to the Board if they have it again.
Public Comment:
Bill Sweeney resident of 702 Addler explained he was new to the District and wanted to see what went on at the meetings. He asked about the fish hatchery that will be coming in at the end of Tillman. He was concerned about the traffic in the area. Bob explained that Tillman and Kimmerling from the bowling alley to 88 is a County Road and perhaps they would discuss traffic at a County meeting. The County has not approached the District about traffic issues at this time.
Jeff James motioned to adjourn the meeting. David Bourne seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm
Dawn Hinds ActingSecretary______________________________