Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees Meeting
held February 6, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
931 Mitch Drive,
Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: led by John Sheridan
Trustees Present: Bob McDowell, Leann Teter, Dave James, John Sheridan and Brad Newlon
Also Present: Greg Reed, Dawn Hinds, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public
Public Comment: John Engles suggested that anyone who hasn’t read the recently released “Tire Gate report” should read it.
Approval of the Agenda:
Dave James motioned to approve the Agenda. Leann Teter seconded the
motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Old Business: none
New Business:
I For Possible Action: Review and approve district counsel’s summary of tortious claims
for 2018. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board action to
review and approve district counsel’s summary of tortious claims for 2018. Action Item.
Mike Rowe reported that NRS requires that a summary of claims report must be filed with the governing body on or before February 1st of each year. The report indicated that no claims were paid and there are no open or unpaid claims.
Dave James motioned to review and approve the District Counsel’s summary of Tortious Claims and make it part of the District’s Records. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
II For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding Resolution 2019-01 regarding updating
the District’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to adopt Resolution 2019-01 approving changes to the District Policy and Procedures Manual as suggested by District staff and the District Engineer. Action Item.
Greg explained that this was discussed at last months meeting and this is a resolution to accept the changes made last month. Most changes are housekeeping items.
John Sheridan motioned to accept resolution 2019-01 regarding updating
the District Policy and Procedures Manual and eliminating “on a quarterly basis for Flat rate customers”. Leann seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: John Engles asked if the GRGID water rates are on the Website. Greg Reed replied that they are and are included in the District’s Policy and Procedures Manual.
III For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding updating the District’s Personnel
Manual. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve
changes to the District’s Personnel Manual as suggested by District Staff. Action Item.
This item was discussed last month. Most of the changes to the policy are in wording, regarding changes from a step system to into a minimum, maximum pay range. There are also changes to 6.1.2. Holiday Pay regarding sick leave the day before or after a Holiday. An employee must report for work the day before and the day after a holiday to receive pay for a holiday, excepting only when a holiday falls within an approved vacation period, or when sick leave use is accompanied by valid written documentation by a physician or other licensed medical professional. Therefore, if someone calls in sick without a valid excuse they will not be paid. 7.1.1 was also changed from Ninety 90 days to Thirty 30 days regarding time for an employee to be eligible for insurance.
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the changes to the District Personnel
Manual. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion Passed.
Public Comment: none
IV For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District
Manager and Lumos to complete a zone testing program at Well #5. Board discussion
followed by Public comment. Possible board Action to authorize the District Manager and Lumos to complete a zone testing program at Well#5. Action Item.
Lumos and Associates has prepared a proposal for Task 1 to conduct a zone testing program for Well #5. Total Task 1 cost $8,300.00. The District must determine if Well #5 can be more fully utilized by developing a water quality analysis by depth in the well. The zone test is the first step in that analysis. The proposed Well 5 zone testing will provide assistance to the GRGID to hire consultants to provide sampling and water quality data within Well 5 with the intention of identifying zones of high arsenic. Total cost of the project is estimated to be in the range of $50k -$75k. Mike explained the intent of the assessment is to identify zones of discrete arsenic concentrations within the screened interval. The information can assist the District in determining if blocking areas of higher arsenic concentration would be a viable means to reduce the overall arsenic concentration pumped from Well 5.
Brad Newlon asked what the blending process entailed. Greg explained that Well #5 is a last resort well. All other wells will usually be pumping when Well 5 water is added to the system. The water from all wells is blended together in the storage tanks at the end of Tillman lane then distributed to the consumers.
Dave James is concerned about the variation of arsenic readings at Well#5 and would like Mike to provide information on an arsenic plant.
John Sheridan motioned to authorize the District Manager and Lumos to complete a zone testing program on Well #5 at a cost not to exceed $75,000.
Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Ron Bush asked if there would be a higher concentration of arsenic for consumers near Well #5 as compared to customers on the golf course? Greg replied the water is pumped from the wells to be stored in the storage tanks at the end of Tillman. The water blends in the storage tanks. If well 5 is running it is primarily used as a last resort to fill the tanks.
V For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District Manager to enter into a contract with Lumos to determine options for upgrading the
Long Valley booster station. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible
Board action to authorize the District Manager to enter into a contract with Lumos to
determine options for upgrading the Long Valley booster station. Action Item.
Lumos and Associates has submitted a proposal for engineering services to prepare an analysis of alternatives for upgrading the Long Valley Booster Pump Station. Mike Bennett explained he will provide options for potential upgrades to the system and/or replacement. There are many avenues the District could take to improve or replace the Long Valley Booster. This Alternatives Analysis will provide the Board with options including Budgetary costs for each option. Cost to complete Task 1 is $12,500.00.
This analysis and the Well #5 analysis will work in conjunction to improve pumping capacity for the high side pressure zone and are both part of the District’s Water Master Plan. The booster moves water now but because it does not have backup power generation, we cannot count it in supply calculation. Greg explained that the District has the capacity and does not have a shortage of water. The District does not have the mathematical calculation to submit to the state that says this is how much water we produce. This is what the District is attempting to fix with the two proposed projects.
Dave James motioned to authorize the District Manager to enter into a contract with Lumos to determine options for upgrading the Long Valley Booster Station at a cost not to exceed $12,500.00. John Sheridan seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: James McKalip stated that all new development is on the high side and could be a tremendous strain on the system.
VI For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding the 2019-2020 annual budget. Board
discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board action to approve the proposed budget considerations. Action Item.
Greg Reed reviewed the proposed 2019-2020 budget with the Board. This item is informative unless the Board decides to act.
No action was taken on this item.
Public Comment: Ron Bush assumes that recoating of the water tank will be done when usage is low and asked if there would be an increased use of Well #5 the entire time the tank is down. If that is the case, then he would like to see the results of the study and possible mitigations that need to be in place before the District is potentially forced into a situation of having to increase use of well 5. Greg explained that he would like to have the pressure regulating valve in the system next year prior to the recoating of the tank so that water can be cycled. The valve would allow the District to maintain the pressure in the high side while maintaining water flow in the low side thus feeding everything off the low tank which we currently can’t do. That would alleviate the need to increase the use of Well 5.
Consent Calendar:
Approval of the Minutes:
Leann motioned to approve the minutes from the January 9, 2019 Board
meeting. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Check Summary:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the check summary. Brad Newlon seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Michael Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule for the Month of February.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe stated he has been working on items one and two this month.
District Manager: Greg Reed explained that the proposed work on the Long Valley Booster Station is not for future growth considerations. It is for current capacity in the system.
Trustee Reports:
John Sheridan thanked Greg for taking him on a tour of the District and its facilities.
Dave James thanked the staff and the public for their attendance. Public input is very important to the Board.
Bob McDowell will not be at the April meeting and will not be back until May 7, 2019 as he will be on vacation in Hawaii. He suggested moving the May meeting. No decision was made to change the meeting.
Public Comment: John Engles announced that the County Commissioners’ meeting will convene at 9 am tomorrow and will begin with water rates.
Brad Newlon motioned to adjourn the meeting. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary