Minutes of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. at 931 Mitch Drive Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Bob McDowell
Trustees Present: Bob McDowell, Dave James, Brad Newlon, Leann Teter and John Sheridan.
Also Present: Greg Reed, Beth Cook, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public.
Public Comment: None
Approval of the agenda: David James motioned to move item #3 to the last item on the agenda. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action regarding the adoption of Resolution 20-01 declaring January 2020 as “National Radon Action Month in Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District.”
Dave James motioned to adopt Resolution 20-01 proclaiming January 2020 as “National Radon Action Month in Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District.” Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Jim McKolip informed the public where radon kits are available.
- Board action regarding the adoption of Resolution 20-02 changing Section 2.2.2 “Payment of Bills and Penalty for Non-Payment” and Appendix B of the District’s Policies and Procedures Manual relating to payment of bills and penalty for non-payment.
John Sheridan motioned to adopt Resolution 20-02 changing Section 2.2.2 “Payment of Bills and Penalty for Non-Payment” and Appendix B of the District’s Policies and Procedures Manual relating to payment of bills and penalty for non-payment. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Ron Bush stated that the time of the Board Meeting in section 5.1 in the Board of Trustees Bylaws needs to be changed from 6:00 to 5:00 p.m. Greg stated that in order to make the change it will have to come before the Board in the form of a Resolution.
- Action to approve the development at the southern end of Tillman Lane.
Susan Pansky and Ken Dorr from Dorr Consulting, LLC presented the newly proposed Ranchos Sierra project. The new project has no variances and fewer homes. Susan Pansky went over the changes that were made to the project. Susan explained that a retention basin on Tillman would be landscaped as a passive park and maintained by the Homeowners association or the landscape association. A trailhead parcel will be dedicated for motorized and non-motorized vehicles to have access to the forest land abutting the development. The developer will pay for their portion of intersection improvements at Hwy 88 and Kimmerling and Hwy 395 and Riverview. David James expressed concern about the main waterline that runs through the project. Ken Dorr stated that the waterline will be rerouted along Tillman and Heritage directly to the water tank at the end of Tillman. That water main will not need be relocated until Phase 2 or 3. Greg explained that Special Assessment money could be used to pay for the relocation of this waterline. Some concern was expressed whether the bridge at Heritage Lane and the road leading out to Hwy 88 is strong enough to carry heavy equipment and emergency vehicles. Ken Dorr explained that most of the heavy construction trucks and emergency vehicles will be coming from the north end of the project via Tillman Lane. The developer is required to pay for their share of repairs to pavement damage or bridge damage done to either Tillman Lane or Heritage Lane. John Sheridan stated that the Special Assessment fee may not cover the cost of the relocation of the waterline. Greg explained that if the cost becomes an issue, it will be addressed at a Board meeting at a later date. John is also disappointed at the lack of open space in the project. Susan said that a retention pond on Tillman will be turned into a passive park. Ranchos Sierra will have no problem adding stop signs within the development if necessary. John also expressed concern over dust mitigation. He would like a phone number to be provided so residents can get in touch with the contractors directly.
John Sheridan motioned to recommend approval and development of Rancho Sierra LLC located at the southern end of Tillman in accordance with the Policy and Procedures Manual requirements for development as amended to the date of the application for approval as per authority found in Douglas County Ordinances 147 pertinent to water, sewer, roads and storm drains and Douglas County Ordinance 161 specifically pertaining to parks with the following conditions. Condition 1: In order to ease the traffic burden upon the Tillman/Kimmerling intersection and other local roads, request the County consider all construction personnel and construction-related vehicles less than 6000 lbs. in Gross Vehicle Weight to access the site via the Dressler/Heritage entrance from the south and not Tillman Lane after Phase 2 is complete. Condition 2: To better address public safety, request the County to require installation of a four-way stop sign at the intersection of Tillman and new road #6, as determined by Douglas County Engineering and GRGID engineering staff. Condition 3: To enable more expedient and effective communication, request the County require the creation and publication of a public access telephone number and a designated contact person to be accessible throughout the construction period regarding traffic and dust mitigation complaints. Condition 4: District staff prepare a letter to Douglas County Community Development citing these recommendations in this motion and that a memorandum of this motion be considered that Ranchos Sierra LLC and the property at the southern end of Tillman will maintain the detention basin and passive park. In addition, a memorandum for the allocation of the expense of the water main to be spelled out and split between GRGID and Rancho Sierra and who is responsible for potions of the relocation. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Jim Mckolip has a concern over the secondary access for construction vehicles. He would like GRGID to work with the County to get the Heritage Lane in good shape for heavy vehicles to travel on. He would also like the District to develop a xeriscape program. Joseph Pool has questions how the GID is going to provide the capacity of water to serve this project. Denny Caster read the engineers study provided by Lumos and Associates. She does not understand how GRGID could provide a will serve letter to the project based on the information in the study. Ron Bush thanked Rancho Sierra LLC and their team for working with his group. Ron also provided written public comment regarding Rancho Sierra. (See attached).
- Presentation by Douglas County Community Development Director Tom Dallaire regarding the recently adopted Master Plan Amendment. No action.
Tom Dallaire provided a power point presentation of the 20-year Master plan including amendments.
- Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Treasurer for calendar year 2020.
The Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer have all been at their position for one year. They can be replaced, or they can stay and serve one more year.
Bob McDowell motioned to nominate Dave James as Chairman. Brad Newlon to remain Vice Chair and Bob McDowell will move to Treasurer. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2019. Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Leann Teter motioned to approve the check summary Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion approved.
Public Comment: None
District Engineer: Mike Bennett reviewed the tracking schedule for January 2020.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe spent the month drafting resolutions for tonight’s meeting.
District Manager: Greg Reed reviewed the Manager’s report for January 2020.
David James would like an agenda item regarding forming a study group on xeriscaping.
Board of Trustees
Bob McDowell: Bob would like the Board and Staff to have a talk about strategic approach on water future.
John Sheridan: John shared a power point presentation of his trip to San Antonio TX for the National Nevada League of Cities conference.
Dave James motioned to adjourn the meeting. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Beth Cook, Acting Secretary