Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held
January 3, 2018 at 6 pm @
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Bob McDowell
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Bob McDowell, Brad Newlon and Jeff James. Dave James was absent.
Also Present: Dawn Hinds, Greg Reed, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public
Approval of the Agenda:
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the Agenda. Jeff James seconded the motion.
Four ayes. Motion passed.
Approval of the Minutes:
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the Minutes from the December 2017 Board
meeting. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Mark Gneiting was visiting with his son who is a Boy Scout. He asked if there were plans to fix Tillman. Mike Bennett explained that Tillman is being designed right now with Douglas County as it is a County road.
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Michael Bennett reviewed the District’s Project Tracking Schedule for the month of January, 2018. “See attached”
District Counsel: Mike has been working with Ken Dorr regarding the Ranchos Sierra property at the end of Tillman Lane. Ranchos Sierra was annexed into the District in 2005. Greg explained this subdivision will be around 369 homes. It is an 80 acre planned unit development with very small lots around 5000 to 7000 sq feet.
District Manager: Greg told the Board that the District is currently having problems with a sewer lift station and there is an electrician on the way. Tony Daniels will be on call all night and is prepared to come in and manually start the pump as needed until the problem is fixed.
Greg offered to answer any questions on his Manager’s Report. “See attached” Bob McDowell complimented Greg on his report but had no questions.
New Business:
I For Possible Action: Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer for calendar year
- Board discussion followed by Public Comment. Action Item.
Item I will be delayed because there is not a full Board.
Brad Newlon motioned to continue Item I until the February meeting while
maintaining the current officers. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Four
ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
II For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding adoption of a Proclamation declaring
January 2018 as “National Radon Action Month in the Gardnerville Ranchos General
Improvement District.” Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board Action
regarding adoption of a Proclamation declaring January 2018 as “National Radon Action Month
in the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District.” Action Item.
The District received a request from the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension to adopt a proclamation declaring January 2018 as “National Radon Action Month in the Gardnerville Ranchos GID.” Since radon can be present in homes in the Gardnerville Ranchos and there is a simple test to detect it, Greg recommended to the Board they approve the proclamation presented. Brad Newlon asked if the tests could be picked up at the District Office. Greg did not think that would be a problem to get test kits for the District Office.
Radon is a colorless odorless gas that comes out of the ground up into your house and can eventually build up unsafe levels. If you do have high radon levels one solution is putting aeration fans in the crawl spaces in your house to blow out the gas. Bob McDowell explained the consultants would generally want to come into your crawl space and cover everything with plastic and seal it around the perimeter of your house as another option.
Jeff James motioned to adopt Proclamation 2018-1 proclaiming January 2018 as
“National Radon Action Month in Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement
District” Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
*Note* Radon test kits are available now at the District Office.
III For Possible Action: Board discussion on a request by Mid Town Ventures, LLC on behalf of
the Damascus Road Christian Assembly of God, to employ the District’s general counsel, to prepare a petition for annexation of property into the District, and if required as a result of
Board action, to subsequently prepare an annexation agreement. Board discussion followed
by public comment. Action Item.
Mike Rowe was approached by Bill Nichols of Mid Town Ventures, LLC to prepare a petition of annexation of property into the District and also the annexation agreement. Because Mid Town Ventures, LLC on behalf of Damascus Road Christian Assembly of God is requesting to employ the District’s general counsel to prepare a petition of annexation of property into the District it is appropriate for Mike to have approval from the Board prior to agreeing to the engagement with Mid Town Ventures. Should the Board be opposed, Mid Town Ventures would hire another attorney who would prepare the draft petition of annexation and annexation agreement and then submit them to Mike, Greg and Mike Bennett for review on behalf of the Board.
Bob McDowell does not feel comfortable even having a discussion regarding conflict of interest. It is the appearance of it and he does not support this item.
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the request by Mid Town Ventures, LLC on
behalf of Damascus Road Christian Assembly of God, to employ the District’s general
Counsel, to prepare a petition of annexation of property into the District, and if
required as a result of Board action, to subsequently prepare an annexation
Agreement. Jeff James seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed. Bob
McDowell stood opposed.
Public Comment: Chuck Hill agrees with Bob McDowell. He does not like mixing things. Mark Gneiting also agreed with Bob, stating he believes it is a conflict of Interest.
IV For Possible Action: Discussion regarding the update to the District’s Policy and Procedures
Manual. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve the changes
to the District Policy and Procedures Manual as suggested by District Staff and the District
Engineer. Action Item.
There have been some changes to the Standard Details in the Policy and Procedures Manual. Standard details are given to contractors on how the District expects construction activities to occur within the district.
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the proposed changes to the District’s Policy and
Procedures Manual. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Old Business: None
Consent Calendar:
Jeff James motion to approve the Consent Calendar. Bob McDowell seconded the
motion. Four ayes. Motion passed
Public Comment: none
Reports: Jeff James asked Greg about restrooms at Mitch Park. Greg has been looking into it and Indian Hills has just had one installed. The restrooms are a prefab concrete structure. Plumbing work is done first then the restroom is set in by a crane hooked up and it is ready to go. Greg is also looking at getting a 50/50 grant from Nevada State Parks.
Brad thanked Mark Gneiting and his son for attending the meeting.
Bob McDowell reminded the Board that their reports are due to the Secretary of State by January 15, 2018 or they will be charged $10.00 a day if they miss the due date.
Public Comment: None
Brad Newlon motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jeff James seconded the motion.
Four ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary