Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, Nevada
Pledge of Allegiance: Bob McDowell led the pledge of allegiance.
Trustees Present: Brad Newlon, Leann Teter, Jeff James, Cade Baligad and Bob McDowell
Also Present: Michael Bennett, Bob Spellberg, Dawn Hinds and Mike Rowe
Cade Baligad motioned to move Item 4 to Item 1 on the Agenda. Leann
Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Agenda Approval:
Jeff James motioned to approve the Agenda with changes. Leann Teter
Seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Approval of the Minutes:
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the minutes from the December Board
of Trustees Meeting. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion
Public Comment: None
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Mike Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule with the Board. (see attached project tracking schedule)
District Counsel: Mike Rowe has been working on a draft easement acquisition agreement for Well 4. If the test well proves to work the District will pay the owners $15,000.00 for a permanent easement; if approved by the property owner and the Board.
District Manager: The sewer video is progressing on schedule. Bob has renewed his notary online. Bob will be sending a notice to customers letting them know that the District will be painting the water tank, if the Board approves the project tonight.
New Business:
IV. For Possible action: Board discussion with possible action to accept the 2014-2015 fiscal
year audit. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to accept the 2014-2015 fiscal year audit as presented by VT Williams and Associates. Action Item.
Paul Tibma presented the 2014-2015 fiscal year audit to the Board. This audit was conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Government Auditing Standards. There were no significant findings from the audit and there were not significant uncorrected misstatements. (see attached audit findings)
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Audit as presented by
Paul Tibma of VT Williams and Associates. Bob McDowell seconded the motion.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
I. For Possible Action. Board discussion with possible action to elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman
and treasurer of the Board of Trustees. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible
action to elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer. Action Item.
Leann Teter nominated Brad Newlon as Chairman. Jeff James seconded the nomination. All ayes. Brad Newlon is elected Chairman.
Public Comment: None
Cade Baligad nominated Leann Teter as Vice Chairperson. Bob McDowell seconded
the nomination. Four ayes. Leann Teter is elected Vice Chair.
Public Comment: None
Bob McDowell nominated Jeff James as Treasurer. Leann Teter seconded the nomination. All ayes. Jeff James is elected Treasurer.
Public Comment: None
II. For Possible Action. Board discussion and possible action to appoint Board Members and/or
staff to various Committees and Boards for calendar year 2016. Board discussion followed by
public comment. Possible action to appoint Board Member and/or staff to various Committees
and Boards for calendar year 2016. Action Item.
The Board appointed Leann Teter to the Nevada League of Cities Board of Directors, Bob Spellberg to the Board of the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool with Jeff James as the alternate. Bob McDowell is appointed as the liaison to the County Commission with Brad Newlon as the alternate and appointed Jeff James to work with the Chamber of Commerce with Bob McDowell as the alternate.
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the above appointments. Leann Teter seconded
The motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
III. For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to award a bid for the painting of the interior of the District’s 1.5 million-gallon water storage tank. Board discussion followed by
public comment. Possible action to award a bid for the painting of the interior of the District’s
1.5 million-gallon water storage tank to Resource Development Corporation in the amount of
$237,537.41. Action Item.
The District has gone out to bid to paint the interior of the 1.5 million-gallon water tank. The Bids are in and staff has recommended awarding Resource Development Company the job. RDC is a Nevada contractor licensee and is of good standing and their bid was found complete. (see attached bids)
Bob McDowell motioned to award the bid for painting the interior of the 1.5
million-gallon water storage tank to Resource Development Company in the amount of $237,537.41 giving the District Manager authority to award change orders in an amount not to exceed 10% of the bid amount. Cade Baligad seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Old Business:
V. For possible Action: Board discussion and possible action on Resolution 16-01. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve Resolution 16-01 which
adds to the District’s Policies and Procedures Manual Rules for Open Spaces owned by the
District. Action Item.
This item would approve the addition of Resolution 16-01 Open Space Rules to the Districts Policies and Procedures Manual. (see attached Resolution 16-01)
Leann Teter motioned to adopt Resolution 16-01 which pertains to Rules for District
Owned spaces. Cade Baligad seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Consent Calendar:
For possible action: Monthly Payables. For Board discussion followed by public comment.
Possible action to approve the Consent Calendar.
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the Consent Calendar. Jeff James seconded the
Motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Trustee Reports:
Cade Baligad suggested purchasing electronic devices like tablets to access the Board Meeting information. These would be purchased by the District for the use of Trustees during Board Meetings for easy access to Board Meeting information. Bob stated he would look into options and prices.
Bob McDowell told Bob that he enjoyed his tour of the District and that it was very informative. He also suggested posting the Agenda at the Kimmerling Post Office.
Public Comment: None
Bob McDowell motioned to adjourn the meeting. Cade Baligad seconded the motion
All ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary