Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held on
Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by David Bourne
Trustees Present: David Bourne, Brad Newlon and Cade Baligad. Leann Teter and Jeff James were absent.
Also Present: Michael Bennett, Mike Rowe, Bob Spellberg, Dawn Hinds and the public.
Approval of the Agenda:
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the agenda. David Bourne seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Approval of the Minutes:
Public Comment: none.
David Bourne motioned to approve the Minutes from the June 3, 2015 Board of
Trustees meeting. Cade Baligad seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Mike Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule for the month of July.
District Counsel: MGSD had sent a letter to the District requesting the GID pay a portion of their co- generation plan in the amount of $350,758.23. Mike and Bob met with the Manager of MGSD and their counsel regarding this matter. Mike will come back to the Board at a later meeting with a recommendation.
District Manager: Bob stated it has been a quiet month and not much going on.
New Business:
I For possible action: Discussion regarding the acceptance of Cedar Creek improvements for
Maintenance by the District. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to
accept streets, storm drains and street lights for maintenance by the District.
Bob recommended the Board accept the improvements to the Cedar Creek Subdivision except for the western most basin which has major access issues. The Homeowners association will be responsible for that basin.
Public Comment: none.
David Bourne motioned to accept the streets, street lights and storm drain system
for maintenance within the Cedar Creek Subdivision. Also the District will accept
ownership of the eastern most storm basin with the Cedar Creek Subdivision.
the District will not accept the western most storm drain basin for maintenance
or ownership due to lack of access for maintenance and requires that the Cedar Creek
Homeowners Association retains ownership and maintenance of that basin. Cade
Baligad seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
II For possible action: Discuss a request for support of a special use permit for Friends in
Service Helping. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to support
a request from FISH for a special use permit for 921 Mitch Drive to operate a family resource
and assistance center.
Bob explained that per a previous agenda item the Board required Friends in Service Helping to appear before the board when they had found a desired location and with their special use permit. The Board did not support a specific location at that time but did suggest the Pit Road area would be better than Mitch Drive because of the nearby school and traffic concerns. Since then FISH has purchased 921 Mitch Drive and is asking for the District’s support to obtain a special use permit required by the County.
Mike Railey of Rubicon Design Group, LLC explained that the Special Use Permit they have applied for would allow for the establishment of a “Use of Community Significance” at 921 Mitch Drive. The building would be used as resource and assistance center and dining room. Jim Peckham from FISH stated that some landlords in the Commercial Area were concerned that the free food that FISH had to offer would take business away from the restaurants in that area. The Church is not zoned properly for what FISH wants to use the building for, hence the need for a Special Use Permit.
Hope Sullivan Planning Manager for Douglas County explained that “Use of Community Significance” means it is a use that is privately operated, for a social benefit. When considering applications for a Special Use Permit, the Commission or Board must evaluate the impact of the special use on and its compatibility with the surrounding properties and neighborhoods to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location and be subject to public review. (see attached)
Mike Rowe read into record written comments submitted by Trustee Teter regarding the FISH Special Use Permit. (see attached comments)
Public Comment: None.
Cade Baligad motioned to deny support for a special use permit for a family
resource and assistance center at 921 Mitch Drive. Brad Newlon seconded the
motion. Two ayes. David Bourne stood opposed. Motion passed.
III For possible action: Discuss a possible sewer rate increase. Board discussion followed by
public comment. Possible action to increase sewer rates for Category 1, Category II and out of district sewer users due to a rate increase to the District by the Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District.
Bob explained that this rate increase is in response to an increase from MGSD for users connecting to the system after May of 1990. A Notice of Intent to Raise Fees was published in the Record Courier on June 14, 24 and 26th, 2015 (see attached). The rates will show an increase of $1.50 per month for in District residents and Out of District residents will see a $3.00 per month increase. The District did not increase out of District sewer the last time there was a rate increase.
Mike Rowe mentioned that if the Board could make the new rates effective as of July 1, 2015 then the quarterly bills coming out in July would have the new increase. MGSD’s new rates are already being charged to the District. Mike read comments from Leann Teter into record.
Public Comment: Resident Lou Gundell does not like the fact that there are two sewer rates. A lower rate for residents who hooked up to sewer before May of 1990 and a higher rate for those who hooked up after. He thinks that everyone should pay the same amount.
David Bourne motioned to approve a sewer rate increase In District sewer users
connected to the system before May 1990 from $14.50 to $16.00 per month. In
District sewer users connected to the system after May 1990 from $21.50 per month
to $23.00 per month. Out of District sewer users from $32.00 to $36.00 per month. rates to be made effective immediately. Cade Baligad seconded the motion. Three
ayes. Motion passed.
IV For possible action: Discuss the adoption of an open space policy regarding vehicles, dumping
etc… Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to create a policy regarding
the use of vehicles within District owned open space.
The District does not have a formal open space policy. Occasionally things come up where the District needs a policy to follow and one to hand out to residents so they know the rules. This policy will look at dumping and vehicle parking and use of open space as an access to backyards. The open spaces are there for people to recreate and or drainage. (see attached)
The Board discussed blocking the open areas with rocks like what is done now or with locked gates. David Bourne mentioned that emergency vehicles need to have access to those areas in case of emergency. There have been times when emergency vehicles cannot get into the open space because they don’t have equipment to move boulders.
Public Comment: none
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the creation of an open space policy and bring it back to the Board at a later meeting for discussion. David Bourne seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
The Board will recess the meeting to receive information from general counsel retained by the
District regarding potential or existing litigation involving a mater over which the District has
supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power and to deliberate toward a decision on the
matter or both.
Cade Baligad motioned to recess into closed session. David Bourne seconded the
Motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Mike Bennett excused himself from the meeting.
V For possible action: Reconvene in public session to provide direction to general counsel, if
any, on the matter over which the District has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory
power is elected by the Board.
Based on comments made during closed session David Bourne made the following motion.
David Bourne motioned to direct counsel to draft a letter to a former trustee
Concerning trustee fees paid while the trustee was not eligible to receive the fees
and request the fees be returned to the District. Cade Baligad seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Consent Calendar:
- Monthly payables: for possible action
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the consent calendar. David Bourne seconded the
Motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Cade Baligad discussed a letter written by Georgia Cummins who lives near Bluerock Park. She complains of vandalism at the park and suggests surveillance cameras. Cade suggested that cameras be installed. Bob stated when would look into it.
Public Comment: none
Cade Baligad motioned to adjourn the meeting. David Bourne seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8 pm
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary