Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held
Tuesday July 10, 2018, @ 6:00 pm at
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Bob McDowell and Dave James. Jeff James and Brad Newlon were absent.
Also Present: Greg Reed, Dawn Hinds, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public.
Approval of the Agenda:
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the Agenda. Dave James seconded the
Motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment:
Approximately 35 Rancho residents attended the meeting to voice their concerns regarding the proposed Rancho Sierra Subdivision. Residents spoke of their concerns that the Subdivision will negatively impact water supply and quality, roads, schools, traffic and fire and police departments. There is a County Board of Commissioners meeting August 2, 2018, 10:00am at the CVIC Hall in Minden everyone is urged to attend.
Old Business: none
New Business:
I For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action regarding a request for
District assistance with a community clean-up project in the “sand pit” area in
November or December. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible
action to approve supporting a community clean-up project in the “sand pit” area
in November or December. Action Item.
Mike Pailliotet is working with the schools in the Ranchos to coordinate a clean up day near the sand pits. Mike is asking for assistance from the District in the form of labor, equipment or a trash dumpster.
District employees will not be required to work on this project, however, they can if they wish. The District could support compensating employees if they decide to work on the project.
Susan McNeal, principal at Scarselli Elementary and several teachers there are trying to teach the kids about community service. The sand pits behind the school is the perfect place for a community cleanup project. Mike added it would be great to have three 40 or 50-yard dumpsters. There is also no signage, a couple no dumping signs could help keep the messes away. Saturday, November 3, 2018, is the tentative date for the cleanup.
Greg Reed replied that the District could find money in the budget for a dumpster and some “no dumping signs” could be installed at the end of the District roads.
The Board was very interested in this project and wanted to participate the item will be continued for more discussion.
Dave James motioned to continue this item at the next meeting. Bob
McDowell seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
II For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to accept a temporary
Construction, storage and access easement and a permanent access and well
easement from Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso for the Well #4 replacement project. Board
discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to accept a temporary
construction, storage and access easement and a permanent access and well
easement from Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso for the Well #4 replacement project.
Action Item.
The temporary access, construction and storage easement and a permanent access and well easement from Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso for the Well #4 replacement project has been prepared for approval.
Dave James motioned to accept the temporary, construction, storage
and access easement and well easement from Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso
for the Well #4 replacement project. Bob McDowell seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
III For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to appoint a Trustee to
serve with the Board Chair, District Manager and District Counsel for an initial
meeting with a similar committee from the Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District.
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to appoint a Trustee to
serve with the Board Chair, District manager and District counsel for an initial
meeting with a similar committee from the Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District.
Actin Item.
The District has requested to meet with MGSD to discuss the terms of the contract between the District and MGSD. MGSD has requested a preliminary meeting prior to convening a subcommittee to discuss the potential for renegotiation the contracts. MGSD has suggested the members consist of both District Managers, legal counsel, the Board Chairs and one other board member.
Bob McDowell mentioned that he would also like to attend the preliminary meeting. Mike Rowe said that as long as MGSD didn’t mind he did not see a problem with it.
Dave James motioned that he be the additional trustee at the preliminary
meeting. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
IV For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to deny the purchase of
2.827 acres of land from the Damascus Church at 974 Tillman Lane for $270,000.
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to deny the purchase
of 2.827 acres of land from the Damascus Church at 974 Tillman Lane. Action Item.
Bill Nichols has asked the District if we would be willing to reject the purchase of a 2.827 acres of land from the Damascus Church located at 974 Tillman Lane being offered at $270,000. The land is currently zoned Public Facilities. Nichols intends to develop lots for single family housing. To continue with the development, he will need a Master Plan Amendment and zoning change from Douglas County. Douglas County has instructed Mr. Nichols that a zoning change is more likely to be favorably reviewed if public facilities deny the purchase of the property for public use.
Bob McDowell asked if the District can forsee any use for this property. Greg stated that the District has enough land for public services in the future. There is already a large park and room for a new office building if needed and room in other areas for communication services.
Dave James believes that the District should seriously negotiate something with the Damascus Church and encourage them to annex into the District. Mike Rowe had previously written a Petition of Annexation with Board approval. Dr. James wants to have more discussion with the church regarding annexation and would like to continue the item pending more discussions with Damascus Church representatives. Greg stated that there is time for more discussion.
Dave James motioned to continue this item. Bob McDowell seconded the
Motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Chuck Hill stated that $270,000 is not a good deal for the church property; the price is too high.
V For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to reschedule the
September 2018 Board Meeting. Board discussion followed by public comment.
Possible action to reschedule the September 2018 Board Meeting. Action Item.
Greg Reed has requested the September 5, 2018 Board meeting be changed as he has vacation plans out of the area for that week.
The Board meeting was rescheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Dave James motioned to change the September Board meeting to August 30,
2018. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Consent Calendar: For Possible Action.
Approval of the Minutes:
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the minutes from the June Board
meeting. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. Two ayes. Leann Teter
abstained as she did not attend the June meeting. Motion Passed.
Public Comment: none
Check Summary:
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the check summary for the month of
May 2018. Dave James seconded the motion. Three ayes. Motion
Public Comment: none
Staff Reports:
Michael Bennett reviewed the project tracking schedule for the month of July.
Mike Rowe discussed his meeting with Greg, Mike and Kristen of Lumos and Associates regarding the possibilities of developing an impact fee. The legality of that will have to be thoroughly checked. The statute does not allow anybody other than Counties or Cities to impose impact fees.
Greg Reed announced that the District was denied the grant for the restrooms at the Bob Spellberg Recreational Complex.
FEMA also denied the request for reimbursement from the storms last February stating they had not received the documentation requested. Greg replied back to FEMA saying he disagreed as the District sent everything requested, more than once.
Trustee Reports:
Bob McDowell asked for advice on how to better understand zoning and the District’s legal role and responsibility.
Dave James responded that we are often asked by the County to input on projects to get a sense of what the community thinks. Dave suggested Bob obtain a copy of Ordinance 161 and 147 which explains the District’s jurisdiction. The District is clearly not burdened with zoning.
Mike Rowe stated the District has an advisory opinion. The county typically askes a developer etc… to come the District for an opinion on their project which goes into the record and helps the County Commissioners with decisions brought before them.
Public Comment:
Chuck Hill is worried about the Rancho Sierra Subdivision homeowners association will not be able to take care of the streets, sidewalks and street lights and that the District will have to take it over.
Bob Spellberg suggested if the District wanted more control over what goes on in the District above water and sewer it could become a city or a town.
Dave James motioned to adjourn. Bob McDowell seconded the motion.
Three ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary