Minutes of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Board of Trustees Meeting held Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. @ 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville NV.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Leann Teter
Trustees Present: John Sheridan, Brad Newlon, Leann Teter and Bob McDowell. David James was absent due to illness.
Also Present: Greg Reed, Beth Cook, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public.
Public Comment: Ron Bush discussed the tour he had of the Rancho Sierra Project. He would like the Board to consider an in-depth study of the condition of the water system. Greg believes the study should be County wide.
Approval of the Agenda: Leann Teter motioned to approve the agenda. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Agenda Approved.
- Action to adopt Resolution 20-03 adding a financial section 12 to the District’s P&P Manual regarding the creation of a Committed Fund to assist in accounting for the Special Assessment and incorporating Resolution 19-05 into the financial section.
John Sheridan suggested Greg verify the date Resolution 19-05 was approved.
Leann Teter motioned to adopt Resolution 20-03 updating the District’s Policies and Procedures Manual by adding a financial section 12 regarding the creation of a Committed Fund to assist in accounting for the Special Assessment and addition of Resolution 19-05 to section 12. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action to adopt Resolution 20-04 updating the Trustees’ Rules and Regulations by changing the wording regarding meetings.
John Sheridan motioned to adopt Resolution 20-04 authorizing the District Manager to update the Trustees’ Rules and Regulations by changing the wording regarding meetings as attached. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action to approve the proposed budget considerations.
Greg reviewed the proposed draft budget with the Board. John Sheridan would like for Greg to have an in-depth study on the water system in the Ranchos and have it included in the 2020/2021 budget. Bob McDowell questioned why the District is budgeting $50,000 of sod for Mitch Park when the District is encouraging xeriscaping. Greg explained the pond was designed to irrigate most of the landscaping in the park. Brad Newlon would like money added to the budget to work on a re-design of the pump track at Mitch Park. He also suggested putting money into the budget for a parking lot at CC Meneley.
Bob McDowell motioned to approve the proposed budget considerations for the 2020/2021 budget. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: Cade Baligad thanked the Board for considering a parking lot at CC Meneley. Ron Bush suggested the District do a demonstration garden to display the concepts of xeriscaping.
- Board action to authorize the District Manager to deliver the updated Community Plan Goals, Policies and Actions to Douglas County for inclusion in the Master Plan Update.
John Sheridan discussed the Gardnerville Ranchos Community Plan to be delivered to Douglas County. He would like to have a public workshop to gather some input from the community. Ron Bush feels that the District should hold a public workshop to show the County the Gardnerville Ranchos has done its due diligence.
John Sheridan motioned to accept the draft as presented and to adopt the updated Community Plan Goals, Policies and Actions as written and authorized the District Manager to move forward with a public workshop. Leann Teter seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action to adopt a Minimum Financial Reserves Policy to be included in the Financial Section 12 of the Policies and Procedures Manual and reviewed annually with the creation of the budget.
Greg researched several varieties of financial reserve programs. He believes the best reserve policy would be the AWWA x2.
John Sheridan motioned to adopt the AWWA x2 minimum financial reserves policy to be included in the Financial Section 12 of the Policy and Procedures Manual and review annually with the creation of the budget. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action to create a subcommittee to consider creation of xeriscaping procedures with the District.
Leann Teter motioned to table this item for a future meeting. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
- Board action to authorize the District Manager to solicit bids and purchase a diesel fuel storage tank.
Greg explained that the Board approved the purchase of a gasoline storage tank and a diesel storage tank in the 2019/2020 budget. Since then, it has been determined that the District would be better served by purchasing a diesel storage tank and continuing to purchase gasoline in the open market.
John Sheridan motioned to authorize the District Manager to solicit bids and purchase a 4000-gallon diesel fuel storage tank. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Minutes: Leann Teter motioned to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2020 meeting. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Public Comment: None
Check Summary: Leann Teter motioned to approve the check summary. Bob McDowell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
District Engineer: Mike Bennett reviewed the tracking schedule.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe wrote the 2 resolutions on the agenda tonight. He prepared a letter to Rancho Sierra regarding the conditions required by the Board. He expects the letter to be signed and returned soon.
District Manager: Greg reviewed the Manager’s report.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Susan Stonestreet proposes a playground for seniors.
ADJOURNMENT: Leann Teter motioned to adjourn the meeting. John Sheridan seconded the motion. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Beth Cook, Acting Secretary