Minutes of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Board of Trustees meeting held Thursday May 7, 2015 at 6:00 pm @ 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by David Bourne
Trustees Present: Brad Newlon, Jeff James, Cade Baligad and David Bourne
Also Present: Bob Spellberg, Beth Cook, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the public
Public Comment: Richard Kellogg of Sweetwater Drive expressed his dislike over the meter program. Harold Jones of Manhattan Way has questions on the meters. Brad suggested they call Bob for answers to these questions.
Approval of agenda: Cade Baligad motioned to approve the agenda. David Bourne seconded the motion. All ayes. Agenda approved.
Public Comment: None
Approval of the minutes: Cade Baligad motioned to approve the minutes. Jeff James seconded the motion. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Public Comment: None
SPECIAL ITEM: Possible action to appoint a qualified elector of the District to fill the vacant position on the Board of Trustees vacated by Shari James.
Mel Fagan, Leann Teter, and Greg Silvestro appeared before the Board individually and were asked the same 5 questions developed by Bob and Mike Rowe.
David Bourne motioned to elect Leann Teter to the Board. Jeff James seconded the motion. Two ayes (Jeff and David), two nayes (Cade and Brad). No motion
Cade Baligad motioned to elect Greg Silvestro to the Board. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. Two ayes (Cade and Brad), two nayes (David and Jeff). Motion failed.
Cade Baligad motioned to elect Mel Fagan to the Board, no second. Motion failed.
Jeff James motioned to reconsider Leann Teter as a member of the Board. David Bourne seconded the motion. 3 ayes (Jeff, Cade and David), one nay (Brad).
Leann Teter was sworn in by Bob.
Public Comment: None
District Engineer: Mike Bennett explained to the Board that the Ranchos Sierra water rights are almost complete. Bids were opened for the 2015-2016 Street Maintenance Project; it is on the agenda tonight. Lumos and Associates continue to work on the open space mapping and the sewer master plan.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe will be participating in some of the items on the agenda tonight. The annexation agreement for Cedar Creek has arrived and is ready for Brad to sign.
District Manager: Bob stated that the big Blackbirds have finally left the pond. The trees for Mitch Park have been planted. He has ordered a shelter for the pump track along with bike racks.
- Possible action regarding a request from Frank Nieto of 1013 Dresslerville Rd. to make an indefinite grace period for the mandatory water meter program for original land owners (pre 2005).
Frank Nieto requested that the Board put the water meter program on hold indefinitely for all homeowners that owned their homes prior to 2005. Frank reviewed some of the water usage studies that were done in 2005 by Lumos. He questioned where the base line of 10,000 gallons was determined. He feels that the larger lots should be allotted a higher base line. He would like the District to change the base line of water usage according to lot sizes.
Public Comment: Robert McDowell of 1017 Silveranch urged the Board to deny Mr. Nieto’s request.
David Bourne motioned to deny the request from Frank Nieto to indefinitely delay the water meter program for original land owners pre 2005. Jeff James seconded the motion. 4 ayes ( Leann, David, Brad and Jeff). 1 nay (Cade). Motion passed.
- Possible action to award the 2015-2016 fiscal year street improvement project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
Public Comment: None
Jeff James motioned to award the bid to SNC in the amount of $414,007.02 for the fiscal year 2015-2016 street improvement project and give the District Manager approval to sign change orders in an amount not to exceed 10% of the project award cost. David Bourne seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
- Possible action to approve a park reservation request to hold the Kid’s Fishing Derby at Mitch Park Fishing Pond in June 2015.
Dwayne Folden, President of the Kid’s Fishing Derby explained that as of today Lampe Park will now have enough water to handle the Fishing Derby. He is rescinding his request to reserve the fishing pond for the Fishing Derby.
Public Comment: None
- Possible action to expend $4000.00 to purchase large rainbow trout for Mitch Park Fishing Pond.
Public Comment: None
David Bourne motioned to approve the purchase of large fish for Mitch Park Fishing Pond in an amount not to exceed $4000.00. Cade Baligad seconded the motion. 4 ayes, 1 nay (Jeff). Motion passed.
- Possible action to direct staff to advertise public hearings for an increase in sewer rates due to an increase to the District from MGSD.
Public Comment: None
David Bourne motioned to direct the District Manage to start advertising for a sewer rate increase to offset the cost of the MGSD sewer increase to the District. Jeff James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
- Possible action on the presentation of the District’s 2015-2016 Fiscal Year tentative budget as presented to the Department of Taxation.
Bob reviewed the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year tentative budget.
Public Comment: None
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the consent calendar. David Bourne seconded the motion. 4 ayes, Leann Teter abstained. Motion passed.
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: David Bourne motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jeff James seconded the motion. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Beth Cook, Acting Secretary