Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held
May 8, 2018 at 6 p.m. @
931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance:
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Bob McDowell, Brad Newlon, Jeff James and Dave James
Also Present: Dawn Hinds, Greg Reed, Mike Rowe, Michael Bennett and the Public
Approval of the Agenda:
Dave James motioned to approve the Agenda. Bob McDowell seconded the
motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Old Business:
I For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to approve a 10 lot
subdivision named Holstein Court of ½+/-acre lots located at 1291 Centerville
Lane, Gardnerville (APN 1220-09-401-001), including, without limitation, a paved
550’ street, extension of utilities, storm drain discharge plan and other
improvements submitted by Holstein Ranch, LLC. Board discussion followed by
public comment. Possible action to approve the Holstein Ranch, LLC development located at 1291 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. Action Item.
Rob Anderson attended the meeting representing the developer Holstein Ranch, LLC. Rob reviewed the 10-lot residential subdivision. The improvements include a new paved cul-de-sac with curb, gutter and sidewalk. Public water, sewer, power, gas and phone improvements and a storm drain are to be connected to the existing detention pond currently maintained by the Gardnerville Ranchos GID. The existing detention pond will be slightly deepened.
Dave James asked if the barn on the property has been classified as a historical building. Rob was not aware of the barn being classified as historical or any pending registration for that purpose.
Greg Reed added that the District will be looking at the creation of an Impact Fee for future expansion which could possibly affect this project.
Jeff James motioned to approve the Holstein Ranch, LLC development located
at 1291 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. Brad Newlon seconded the motion.
Four ayes. Dave James abstained. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
II For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the
District Manager to enter into a contract for the 2018/2019 Street Maintenance
Project to the lowest responsible bidder. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to authorize the District Manager to enter into a contract for the 2018/2019 Street Maintenance Project to the lowest responsible bidder. Action Item.
Mike Bennett announced out of three bids Sierra Nevada Construction (SNC) came in with the lowest bid of $673,007.00. SNC, a Nevada Contractor licensee, is of good standing and their bid was found complete. Therefore, Lumos recommends that the award be considered to SNC for the amount of $673,007.00.
Bob McDowell motioned to recommend to select the successful lowest
responsible bidder and authorize the District Manager to enter into a contract
with Sierra Nevada Construction for the 2018-2019 Street Maintenance Project in the amount of $673,007.00. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. All ayes.
Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
III For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action on a request to locate
a flag pole and a flag on District property at the site of our big tank. Board
discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board Action to authorize the
location of a flag pole and flag on District property at the site of our big tank.
Action Item.
Mike Pailliotet was present to request the board approve the proposed installation of a flag pole and a flag at the big tank. Mr. Pailliotet explained that recently a US Flag was installed on top of Ceremony Hill by a local Army Veteran. After a few days it began to fall apart due to the high winds on the hill. Mike took it upon himself to raise money for a new flag via Facebook. Money was raised and a new flag was purchased and installed. Shortly after, the US Forestry Department was forced to take down the flag citing that it violated proper display rules. It was not illuminated at night. Mr. Pailliotet has reached out to local land owners trying to find a new home for the flag with no success. Pailliotet is asking the District to consider letting a group of Ranchos neighbors install a commercial grade, storm rated 20’ flag pole, a 5.5 x 9 ft heavy duty flag and professional grade solar lighting at either tank location. First choice being the large tank at the end of Tillman Lane.
Greg stated they would look for a spot inside the fence at the big tank and the flag would be locked. The only access to the flag would be during the day when the office is open.
Brad loved the idea of the flag and thought perhaps it should be bigger. Dave James was also in favor of the flag and asked if there are any issues as far as liability when having private citizens donate their time to work on District property. Mike Rowe stated that the District should check with the risk management group at the Insurance Pool.
Annabelle Monte, from the Carson Ranger District, was present to explain that their Ranger District had to take the flag down due to several reasons. Most importantly was the violation of the flag code; not being lit at night. Monte explained that if someone wanted to put a monument onto public system lands you need to have a special use permit and follow a special process to authorize it. Lastly, Ceremony Hill is a very culturally sensitive area for the Washoe Tribe and there are concerns for tribal relations.
Dave James suggested tabling this item until the next board meeting so Greg can talk to the Insurance Pool regarding liability issues.
Dave James motioned to table this item pending staff review on feasibility and reschedule for the July 10, 2018 meeting. Jeff James seconded the motion.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
IV For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution
18-05 to modify Appendix E of the District’s Policy and Procedures Manual,
Procedures for Annexation to add new requirements for the acquisition of
water rights from developers. Board discussion followed by public comment.
Possible Board Action to adopt Resolution 18-05 to modify Appendix E of the
District’s Policies and Procedures Manual, Procedures for Annexation to add new
requirements for acquisition of water rights from developers. Action Item.
Mike Rowe explained Resolution 18-05 is to modify Appendix E of the District’s Policies and Procedures Manual to add new requirements for the acquisition of water rights from developers.
Brad Newlon motioned to adopt Resolution 18-05 to modify Appendix E
of the District’s Policy and Procedures Manual, Procedures for Annexation
to add new requirements for the acquisition of water rights from developers.
Dave James seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
V For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize the District
Manager to pursue the installation of a sign at the Robert Spellberg Recreation
Complex. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to authorize
the District Manager to pursue the installation of a sign at the Robert Spellberg
Recreation Complex. Action Item.
Greg has given the Board prices for sign designs for the Robert Spellberg Recreation Complex. The new design is similar in size to the signs located at the entrances to the Ranchos.
Carson Valley Signs foam board sign 9,540 for two 4,770 for one
Yesco aluminum sign 4,370 for two 2,185 for one
Dave James suggested one sign at the entrance by the fire department. Jeff James agreed as that is the main entrance to the park.
Jeff James motioned to authorize the District Manager to pursue installation
of one foam board sign at the Robert Spellberg Recreation Complex from Carson Valley Signs not to exceed $5000.00. Dave James seconded the
motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Consent Calendar:
Minutes: Board action on approval of the Minutes from the April 4, 2018 board meeting.
Brad Newlon motioned to approve the Minutes from the April board meeting.
Jeff James seconded the motion. Four ayes. Bob McDowell abstained as he
did not attend the April meeting. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Check Summary: Board action on approval of the check summary for the month of
April, 2018.
Dave James motioned to approve the Check Summary. Brad Newlon seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Staff Reports:
Mike Bennett reviewed his project tracking schedule for the month of April.
Mike Rowe told the board that Rowe and Hales will dissolve as of June 1st, 2018. Mike’s partner Jim is going to take a position with a firm at the lake. Mike will continue working as a sole proprietor. Mike introduced Pat Etechebehere as his insurance coverage coverage counsel.
The District received water rights deeds to the District for Sun Crest Development.
The District received a request from the county clerk for fees for election expenses. Beginning next year, the District will be charged to maintain the updated role of qualified electors in the District. The annual fee will be $1,052.10.
Greg Reed asked for questions on his Manager’s Report. The Rancho Sierra Project was approved by the County Planning Commission and now will go forward to the County Commissioners.
Jeff James asked how the restrooms at the park were coming along. Greg told him we are still waiting to see if the District gets the grant. The restrooms depend on the District receiving the grant.
Trustee Reports: none
Public Comment: none
Dave James motioned to adjourn the meeting. Brad Newlon
seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary