Gardnerville Ranchos
General Improvement District
Board of Trustees meeting held October 7, 2020 @5.00 p.m. at 931 Mitch Drive
Gardnerville, Nevada 89460
Zoom Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by John Sheridan
Trustees Present: John Sheridan, Leann Teter, Brad Newlon and Dave James. Bob McDowell was not present.
Also Present: Greg Reed, Dawn Hinds, Mike Rowe, Jonathan Lesperance
Public Comment: none
Approval of the Agenda:
John Sheridan motioned to approve the Agenda. Leann Teter seconded the
Motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Old Business: none
New Business:
I For Presentation Only: Douglas County Ballot Question #3. Presentation only
presented by Maureen Casey of the Douglas County Agricultural and Open Space
Conservation Plan regarding Question #3 on the November ballot requesting a
0.25% sales tax increase to purchase development rights. No action will be taken
on this item.
Maureen Casey, Mark Neddenriep and Jacques Etchegoyhen were present and explained that voting yes on Question 3 is a 1/4 cent sales tax that will buy conservation easements and tie the water to the land for perpetuity. A conservation easement is a voluntary, legal agreement that permanently limits uses of the land in order to protect its conservation values. Conservation easements are the only permanent planning tool. The cost: The rural, ranching heritage of this county can be retained forever for about $30.00 per family, per year.
II For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding the Petition for Annexation for
three lots at River Tree Ranch. Board discussion followed by public comment.
possible Board action to adopt the Petition for Annexation for three lots at
River Tree Ranch.
The River Tree Ranch is located at the end of Wyatt Lane near the river behind Well #8. The District has already annexed a portion of the River Tree Ranch and this is an extension of an additional two lots. Rob Anderson of RO Anderson was present to explain he and Bob Spellberg, the previous District manager, negotiated with the River Tree Ranch to establish the current location of Well # 8 on Wyatt lane and in return the District would service water and sewer to the property in the future. River Tree Ranch has sold the property and R O Anderson is requesting to annex the additional area, an equivalent of two new residences around 19 acres per lot. This is not a subdivision.
John Sheridan motioned to approve the Petition for Annexation for two
lots at the River Tree Ranch with any recommended stipulations from Jonathan at Lumos Engineering. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: James McKalip asked if annexation automatically includes a will serve. Greg stated that if a property is annexed into the District then it is a part of the District and the District will serve that property.
Ron Bush is concerned that annexation and will serve letter are accomplished in one simple act.
III For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to modify the District’s
health insurance benefits for future District employees. Board discussion followed by
public comment. Possible action to modify the district’s health insurance benefits of
future District employees.
Greg Reed reviewed proposed new insurance benefits for employees hired after July 1, 2020.
Leann Teter explained that she first brought this up because constituents in the District had asked her why the District pays 100 percent insurance for employees and family and they thought the District is too generous. Leann is in favor of 100 percent insurance premiums for employees and 50% for spouses and dependents. Many times, the spouse has insurance through their own work, and it may work out for the employee.
John Sheridan commented that he left Carson City because of the insurance package they provided; he has three small children. John is concerned that with the 50% split, employees could be hit with an extra $7,000.00 per year. John would like to keep the benefits package as it is for now. John is also concerned with employees working the same jobs together and one with a great benefit package and the other paying out pocket for the same insurance.
Brad Newlon says he knows the District must stay competitive. There are a lot of different variables to be determined not just the insurance package. Brad is not sure if now is the time to make the change, he does not know what the equity is in changing policy.
No motion was made. Agenda Item died for lack of a second.
It was requested that this item be brought back next year when there is a new Board.
Public Comment: none
IV For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to authorize John Sheridan
to attend the annual Nevada League of Cities conferences at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible Board action
to authorize John Sheridan to attend the annual Nevada League of cities conferences
at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00.
Trustee John Sheridan would like to attend the annual Nevada League of Cities state and national conferences as he did last year. The $3,000 will be used to pay for his conference attendance fees and any classes he takes as part of the conference.
Brad Newlon motioned to authorize John Sheridan to attend the annual Nevada League of Cities conferences at a cost not to exceed $3,000. Leann Teter seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
V For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to create a Will
Serve Letter Policy. Board discussion followed by public comment.
possible action of adopt a Will Serve Letter Policy.
Greg stated that he is prepared to develop any policy that the Board desires. Greg believes that the “will serve letter” is the initial contact between the developer or contractor. The contractor/builder is asking if the District will supply water and sewer to their project. If the customer is located within the District’s service boundaries it is the District’s responsibility as a water and sewer utility company to serve them if they meet all requirements as specified by the District. A customer outside the District would need be annexed in before being provided service, and of course, all annexations are approved by the board.
Mike Rowe discussed his memorandum regarding the possible creation of a Will Serve Letter Policy.
Brad suggested that the District needs an order of operation, however, it needs to be simplistic.
Dave James did not think this item could be resolved in one Board meeting and suggested maybe an AdHoc committee be formed.
Public Comment: Ron Bush agrees with Brad’s idea of order of operation and suggested calling the “will serve” a “Provisional Intent to Serve”.
James McKalip stated during his campaign the main concern of the constituents is growth.
Brad Newlon motioned to form the Order of Operation AdHoc Committee
to be composed of the District Manager, District Counsel, two board members
and no more than two members of the public. John Sheridan seconded the
motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
VI For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action to establish a date
for a workshop on a presentation from the Waterworth software program.
Board discussion followed by public comment.
The District staff and engineer have gone through the Waterworth program and have input the current financials and future needs to identify the District’s future revenue needs and would like to present the data to the Board.
The workshop was scheduled for October 21, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Consent Calendar:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the minutes from the September 2, 2020
Board meeting. Brad Newlon seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion
Check Summary:
Leann Teter motioned to approve the Check Summary. John Sheridan
Seconded the motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Staff Reports:
District Engineer: Jonathan Lesperance of Lumos and Associates was present to review the project tracking schedule.
District Counsel: Mike Rowe says it has been pretty quiet except for the Will Serve letter memo.
District Manager: Greg Reed mentioned that the consolidated tax distribution is up $3,000 from a year ago for the month of September.
Trustee Reports:
John Sheridan thanked the Board for allowing him to go to the Nevada League of Cities conventions and classes.
Public Comment: none
John Sheridan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Leann Teter seconded the
Motion. Four ayes. Motion passed.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary