Minutes of the
Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District
Board of Trustees annual Budget Hearing held
Thursday, May 27, 2015 at 6:00 pm
@ 931 Mitch Drive, Gardnerville, NV 89460
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Leann Teter
Trustees Present: Leann Teter, Jeff James, Brad Newlon, David Bourne and Cade Baligad
Agenda Approval:
Cade Baligad motioned to approve the agenda. Jeff James seconded the motion.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Special Item: For Possible Action: Board discussion regarding the election of a new Vice Chairman.
Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to elect a new Vice Chairman to
take the place of Shari James who resigned. Action Item.
Jeff James nominated David Bourne for Vice Chairman. Leann Teter seconded the
Nomination. All Ayes. David Bourne is elected Vice Chairman.
Public Comment: none
Item One: For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action regarding the District’s tentative
Budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 with possible adjustments to the fiscal year 2014-2015 final
Budget. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve the 2015-
2016 Tentative Budget. Action Item.
Bob Spellberg reviewed the changes within the budget with the Board (see attached).
David Bourne motioned to approve the Tentative Budget for fiscal year 2015-2016.
Cade Baligad seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Item Two: For Possible Action: Board discussion and possible action regarding the District Manager’s
report on requested salary adjustments for District employees for fiscal year 2015-2016. Board
discussion followed by public comment. Possible action to approve the District Manager’s
request for salary adjustments for District employees for fiscal year 2015-2016. Action Item.
Bob Spellberg has requested the Board to approve salary adjustments for District Employees between 2 ½% to 5%.
Jeff James motioned to approve the requested salary adjustments for District Employees between 2 1/2 % and 5 %. David Bourne seconded the motion. All ayes.
Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Item Three: For Possible Action.: Board discussion and possible action regarding the evaluation of the
District Manager’s goals for fiscal year 2014-2015 for the purpose of a possible salary adjustment for fiscal year 2015-2016. Board discussion followed by public comment. Possible
Action to adjust the District Manager’s salary for fiscal year 2015-2016. Action Item.
Bob reviewed his goals for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 with the Board (see attached). Bob has requested a 5% salary increase with no bonus.
David Bourne motioned to adjust the District Manager’s salary 5% for the 2015-2016
fiscal year. Leann Teter seconded the motion. Four ayes. Cade Baligad stood opposed. Motion passed.
Public Comment: none
Jeff James motioned to adjourn the meeting. David Bourne seconded the motion.
All ayes. Motion passed.
Dawn Hinds
Acting Secretary